Ranch News

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September 12, 2014 It's official! Emmanuel's registered name is DJPH Burn Sum Steel


June 24, 2014 Dixie has a heartbeat! Due April 16, 2015


May 13, 2014 We have a heartbeat! Tanks due March 20, 2015


May 1, 2014 Reckless Mind is confirmed in foal to  Gotta Good Habit for a March 2015 foal


April 18, 2014 welcome "emmanuel" bay colt by Mr Chocolate Steel out of She Burns Sum!

April 17, 2014 Sum Sum has been waxing up and showing signs of delivering soon!

March 2, 2014 Christian enjoying her first horseback ride. Seeing smiles like this is what it's all about


March 3, 2014 about 7 more weeks to go! Taking a little stall rest after a small sprain from trying to race the babies.

January 31, 2014 255 days. Less than 3 months to go!




November 3, 2013 Sum Sum trying to run with that big belly. 165 days as of 11/2














Sum Sum  



July 16, 2013

Doing great at her new home.




June 24, 2013

Made it home safe and sound. That's one happy looking pair!